Maximizing the Benefits of Bioenergy

Our solutions provide real-time quality data, resulting in savings in raw material costs and helping maximize process efficiency.


Q-Robot tar prover noggrant och snabbt

Helautomatiserade Q-Robot är en patenterad provtagningslösning som effektiviserar provtagningen och förbättrar kvalitetshanteringen genom att noggrant ta prover som representerar hela lasten. Våra kunder inom olika verksamhetsområden, såsom kraftverk, massafabriker, bioraffinaderier och pelletstillverkare, har förnyat sin provtagning och revolutionerat sin kvalitetsstyrning med hjälp av Q-Robot.

Betydligt exaktare provtagning

Automatiserade Q-Robot är betydligt mer exakt än någon manuell provtagningsmetod. Q-Robots pålitliga och representativa provtagning har avsevärt förbättrat noggrannheten i kvalitetsbestämningarna, t.ex. är det orsakade felet i kraftverkens verkningsgradsberäkningar 2–8 % mindre.

Tillförlitliga och opartiska prover

Q-Robot är en effektivare och helt opartisk provtagare, eftersom andelen arbete som utförs av människor är minimerad. Den automatiserade provtagningsprocessen är transparent för alla parter och dess funktionsprincip baseras alltid på normerna och kraven för respektive bransch.

Effektiv lösning för provtagning i anläggningen

Hur anordnar man provtagning bäst? Våra specialister gör en djuplodande studie av anläggningens aktuella tillstånd, driftsmiljö och måltillstånd. Kunden får ett förslag till effektivisering av provtagningen, som till exempel kan utnyttjas vid konkurrensutsättning av tjänsteleverantörer.


Prometec at Panndagarna in Jönköping


Prometec starts this year's trade shows in Jönköping, Sweden, at the Panndagarna event on April 16-17 at the Elmia Jönköping Concert and Congress Center.

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God Jul


Prometec thanks all customers and partners for the past year. We wish everyone a happy and peaceful Christmas and success for the year 2024.

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Prometec receives growth support from Nordic Option


Growth support for Prometec from Nord Option. Nordic Option is a venture capital fund that focuses its investments on growth-stage companies, primarily in Northern Finland.

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Prometec in MENER


In MENER project, journey of burnable wood from forest to power plant's boiler is optimized using AI. The most important quality characteristic of wood-based fuel used in power plants is moisture. If a power plant can estimate the moisture content of the fuel before combustion, the combustion process can be adjusted to operate efficiently

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Bio360 expo


Welcome to visit our booth H24 at Bio360 expo in Nantes.
The exhibition will be held on 8.-9th of February.
See you there!

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Merry Christmas


Prometec wishes Merry Christmas and HAppy New Year 2023 to everybody.

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We will again be present at the Enlit fair (formerly PowerGen) with a stand organised by Business Oulu. You'll find us from STAND 12.0.E80 l Business Oulu

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Bio360 expo


Welcome to visit our booth E04 during Bio360 expo 30-31 March in Nantes.

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Prometec’s automated biomass sampling system chosen for new Danish project


Prometec, the biomass quality control company from Finland, is delivering a comprehensive sampling solution to Fjernvarme Fyn’s site at Odense.

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At Kuopion Energia power plant the moisture information is available before unloading


Fuel moisture measurement available even before the unloading.
Kuopion Energia is already using moisture data this winter.

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EU:s Green Deal och Q-Robot – från fossila bränslen till biomassa


Fakta 1 

Biomassamaterialet kan vara alltifrån halmstrån till avverkningsavfall, bitar av kvistar till blad från växter.

Lösning: Prometecs Q-Robot tar automatiskt prov ur materialet då det anländer till kraftverket och skickar data till både kraftverket och materialtransportören. Q-Roboten kan ta prover ur alla slag av krossade och grovkorninga material.

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Prometecs Q-Robot länkas med Finlands bioekonomi – vad är det fråga om?


I Finlands nya bioekonomistrategi som blir färdig sommaren 2021 tar man kraftigare ställning till utnyttjandet av lösningar inom cirkulär ekonomi och förnybara naturresurser än tidigare. Man har berättat om arbetet med strategin i offentligheten att med hjälp av den tänker man säkerställa en hållbar användning av naturrsesurserna som en del av EU:s klimatmål.

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Prometec’s automatic sampling has been verified by VTT


A comparative study carried out by VTT was done in November 2020 at Kuopio Energy's Haapaniemi power plant. Read about the results at the link

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Prometec’s customers willing to recommend us


It is important for us to know how to develop our operations and products as well as our services. We at Prometec believe that our current customers are the best opportunities for sparrers and that’s why we actively want to hear how we have succeeded.

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Certificate awarded to Prometec’s ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system


A certified quality management system tells our customers that our company's processes meet the requirements set for them. Certification is also a clear indication that our organization is systematically improving its operations. Key factors for sustainable business include reliability, customer satisfaction and continuous improvement

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A missing piece of quality control for solid biofuels is now being found


There have long been two major problems with quality control of biofuels. The first challenge is to automatically take representative samples of each load and the second is to obtain real-time information on the moisture content of the material before unloading the load. It seems that after Q-Robot, the latter problem is also coming to a solution.

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Prometec to European-wide EMPIR research and development project


Prometec wants to be a part of the global network and in the front line when it comes to technological development of the bioenergy sector.
The new sampling methods combined with on-line measurement methods developed in the project will be demonstrated at test-sites (Power plants) in Finland and Denmark.

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Prometec to deliver automated truck sampler to Tallinn


Prometec will deliver automated sampling system, Q-Robot, to Utilitas Tallinn Elektrijaam power plant during 2020. This is Prometec's first delivery in Estonia and also in the Baltic region.

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TOP 5-frågor om automatiserad sampling


vi samlade fem av de vanligaste frågorna om automatiserad provtagning vi hör på mässan.

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European Patent to Prometec’s automated sampler


An automated sampling system manufactured and sold by Prometec has got a European Patent (3232179). The patent is about a sampling method where samples are collected from above of the cargo by drilling. Also, sample collector is now patented.

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A quick start to the 2020s


Happy New Year! Our year starts off fast. We are leaving early in the year for the Biogaz Europe – Bois Energie – ReGen Europe 2020 trade fair in Nantes, France.
Before we attend Grand Tech Match 2020 in Stockholm, Prometec has been selected.

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Coming exhibitions


Argus biomass Nordics and Baltics, European biomass to power and PowerGen Europe

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Stockholm Exergi hosts Prometec


Automated train sampler commissioning on schedule

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Prometec to deliver a sampling robot to Oulu


Carbon neutrality opens up good growth possibilities for Prometec

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It’s all about safety


Workplace safety is a part of daily life in today’s work environment. Key then is to figure out how to decrease risk towards reaching the goal of zero incidents.

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The importance of biomass quality controlling


There are thousands of power plants around the world using biomass to generate heat and power, and hundreds of power plants are going to start using biomass or would like to convert at least part of their coal to biomass.

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