Prometec to European-wide EMPIR research and development project

BIOFMET – New metrological methods for biofuel materials sampling and analysis

Prometec will be one of the key players to take part in the European-wide “BIOFMET” project co-funded by EU and coordinated by the Danish Technological Institute (DTI). The collaboration project aims to research online metrological methods for analysis of solid and liquid biofuels, to provide a metrological framework, including determination of the calorific value and quantification of impurities for validation of the developed methods ensuring traceability of on-line instrumentation. More accurately, our task in this project is to bring improved methods to representative solid biofuel sampling. The project is consisting consists of research institutes and research centers and companies around the Europe.

“This type of cooperation with research institutes is extremely fruitful for us. This is our chance to be a part of the huge change towards more environmentally friendly and energy efficient solutions in bioenergy sector”, says Henna Karlsson, co-founder and CTO of Prometec.

The aim of the project

The new sampling methods combined with on-line measurement methods developed in the project will be demonstrated at test-sites (Power plants) in Finland and Denmark.

“We want to be a part of the global network and in the front line when it comes to technological development of the bioenergy sector.  We think that bioenergy industry will benefit a lot from the state-of-the-art technological solutions. For decades, this industry sector has suffered from problems in reliable sampling and real-time moisture information availability. Also, bioenergy sector has been accused for not being renewable. Now, it is the right time to solve these problems and correct these claims with the help of technological solutions”, says Prometec’s CMO, Timo Huotari.

BIOFMET project will start in June and it will last for 3 years.

Prometec to deliver automated truck sampler to Tallinn

Automated truck sampler to Tallinn

Prometec, a Finnish company specializing in automatic quality control of biofuels, and Utilitas, an Estonian energy company focused on energy-efficient solutions, start cooperation. Prometec will deliver automated sampling system, Q-Robot, to Utilitas Tallinn Elektrijaam power plant during 2020. This is Prometec’s first delivery in Estonia and also in the Baltic region.


We consider this project a very important opening for the entering to Baltic region. We have identified it as a significant and growing area of ​​bioenergy energy sector. There is therefore a clear need to pay more attention to the quality of biofuels. With the help of an automatic sampler, we can help them”, says Juha Huotari, CEO of Prometec

The project starts immediately. Prometec’s delivery includes an automatic sampler, Q-Robot, and an automated sample handling equipment. Utilitas Tallinn Elektijaam produces 45% of the total needs of Tallinn, as well as electricity for 130,000 homes in Tallinn. The fuel used is local biomass. The automatic sampler takes samples directly from the trucks before unloading. Automated sample handling equipment allows to generate samples for the laboratory with less manual work than usual.


Prometec in brief

Prometec is a Finnish technology company that manufactures customized automated sampling and sample handling equipment for industrial needs. Prometec operates currently in three different countries with biofuel sampling from trucks and trains. The Prometec’s Q-Robot automated sampler is a patented system that is capable of taking samples before unloading and subsequently providing real-time moisture data for the supplier and power plants.

OÜ Utilitas Tallinn Elektijaam  in brief

Utilitas is providing district heating to 4,931 buildings in eight cities across Estonia, including to more than 173,000 households. We use renewable fuels to generate electricity in three combined heat and power stations, which cover the electricity demand of more than 170,000 apartments, i.e. all apartments in the district heating network of Tallinn.

TOP 5 questions about automated sampling

We collected five of the most common questions about automated sampling we hear at the fair.

1. What are the benefits of Q-Robot?
• Q-Robot provides representative samples directly from the load before unloading. Using the Q-Robot increases safety at work and significantly speeds up the time spent on trucks in the factory area. The Q-Robot is fully automatic and takes samples at random according to EN-18135. Sampling one full-size truck takes less than 10 minutes and from the semi-trailer under 8 minutes.

2. Does the Q-Robot measure anything?
• Fully automatic Q-Robot uses machine vision as one of its controls. The Q-Robot also has an integrated camera that monitors the load capacity. The Q-Robot software receives input data on biomass quality, load weight, supplier and truck size. Each car is individually identified in the system and the Q-Robot knows their volume. Based on this information, soon, we can generate computational moisture data and volume information from each load that can be used to control logistics and optimize the combustion process. This is in piloting stage.

3. What is included in the delivery?
• We want to provide our customers with easy access to turnkey turnkey delivery, including a sampling hall, Q-Robot and, if needed, sample processing equipment that is scalable to the customer’s needs and automated. The sampler and sampling equipment have been manufactured, assembled and tested in Kajaani, ensuring rapid installation and commissioning at the power plant.

4. What kind of material does Q-Robot get samples from?
• The Q-Robot is capable of sampling many different types of crushed and granular materials with a particle size of less than 150 mm. The auger is always clean and the material is never mixed between suppliers or species.

5. What happens after sampling?
• After the Q-Robot has collected a (biomass) standard sample, it is dropped to the specified coordinates. In most cases, samples are dropped into supplier and quality-specific mixer tanks, where a daily sample is formed. At its simplest, samples are dropped into a bucket with a plastic bag and the truck driver visits and takes them to an agreed location to wait for laboratory tests.

European Patent to Prometec’s automated sampler

European Patent to Prometec’s automated sampler


An automated sampling system manufactured and sold by Prometec has got a European Patent (3232179). The patent is about a sampling method where samples are collected from above of the cargo by drilling. Also, sample collector is now patented.


This will improve our sampling system’s brand and tells us that this sampling system is a unique solution says Prometec’s CEO Juha Huotari


This is what Finnish Patent and Registration office say about European Patent


“By filing a single application for a European patent (an EP application) you can obtain a patent in countries which have joined the European Patent Convention (EPC). The convention has been signed by 38 states, and two states have extension agreements on the validation of EP patents. The contracting parties are called the EPC countries, or the member states of the European Patent Organisation


A quick start to the 2020s

Happy New Year! Our year starts off fast. We are leaving early in the year for the Biogaz Europe – Bois Energie – ReGen Europe 2020 trade fair in Nantes, France.
Before we attend Grand Tech Match 2020 in Stockholm, Prometec has been selected.