
Fjernvarme Fyn

Fjernvarme Fyn is Denmark’s third largest district heating company and is owned by the municipalities of Odense and Nordfyn. The company owns the largest combined heat and power plants on Funen, has almost 300 employees, and is one of Europe’s largest heat suppliers.

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Biometria is a member-owned and central player in the Swedish forest industry that carries out impartial measurement of the timber and quality controlling of bioenergy material at many power plants mainly in Sweden.

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Stockholm Exergi

“By taking samples from different suppliers and storing them separate from each other, we have a much better understanding of the quality of fuel from each supplier. We have gained important insights into our fuel quality, says Rainer Korkiamäki”, Port Manager at Stockholm Exergi.

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Kainuun Voima

Kainuun Voima Oy a energy company half-owned by the City of Kajaani and Kajaanin Energiatuotanto Oy. Kainuun Voima Oy offers thermal and hydropower.
The thermal power plant has been built on UPM's factory site in Tihisenniemi, Kajaani. The power plant burns about 470 cubic meters of fuel per hour at full capacity.

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Kuopion Energia

Kuopion Energia is a modern energy company owned by the city of Kuopio. Kuopion Energia produces electricity and district heat at the Haapaniemi power plant and Pitkälahti biogas plant.

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Fortum Heat and Power Joensuu

Fortum Heat and Power produces heat and power in Joensuu for its customers. Occupational safety has an important role in Fortum, and they are constantly finding new ways to improve it.

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Neve – Napapiirin Energia ja Vesi Oy

Napapiirin Energia ja Vesi Oy is constantly developing its operations. The latest innovation has been the automatic sampling robot.

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