
Stop Overpaying for Biomass


It’s widely understood that moisture content of woody biomass critically influences energy output. The higher the moisture content, the less energy it generates during combustion.

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Decommissioning of peat use in Finland


Finland will halve the energy use of peat by 2030. What does that mean in practice? Read our blog!

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EU Green Deal and Q-Robot – from fossil fuels to biomass


FACT 1: 

The biomass material can be anything from straw stalks to felling waste, from branch pieces to plant leaves.

Solution: Prometec's Q-Robot takes an automated sample of the material at the moment of arrival at the power plant and sends the data to both the power plant and the material driver. Q-Robot is able to take samples of all kinds of crushed and granular materials.

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Prometec’s Q-Robot is linked to Finland’s bioeconomy strategy – what is about?


Finland's new  bioeconomy strategy, which will be completed in summer 2021, will take a stronger position on circular economy solutions and the utilization of renewable natural resources. The strategy has been made public, with the aim of securing the sustainable use of renewable resources as part of the EU's climate goals.

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A missing piece of quality control for solid biofuels is now being found


There have long been two major problems with quality control of biofuels. The first challenge is to automatically take representative samples of each load and the second is to obtain real-time information on the moisture content of the material before unloading the load. It seems that after Q-Robot, the latter problem is also coming to a solution.

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TOP 5 questions about automated sampling


We collected five of the most common questions about automated sampling we hear at the fair. Automated sampler is a new thing and we would love to tell more.

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The importance of biomass quality controlling


There are thousands of power plants around the world using biomass to generate heat and power, and hundreds of power plants are going to start using biomass or would like to convert at least part of their coal to biomass.

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It’s all about safety


Workplace safety is a part of daily life in today’s work environment. Key then is to figure out how to decrease risk towards reaching the goal of zero incidents.

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